Schedule and Rules
Thank you for coming to the fourth ARMADA Regatta, host of the 2003 World
Diplomacy Convention (World DipCon XIII). This convention was
organized by the Association of Rocky Mountain Area Diplomacy Adversaries
(ARMADA), one of the largest regional player associations in North America.
In its second year, the Regatta hosted the 2001 North American
Championships at DipCon XXXIV, and is now honored to be hosting the 2003
World Championships.
We are proud to have in attendance quite a few of the most recognizable
names in the worldwide Diplomacy hobby! We hope that everyone will get
the chance to get to know everyone else. Remember, this is a convention,
not just a tournament. Yes, the World Championship tournament is a big
part of the convention, but it's just one part. The more important part
is the convention -- the largest annual gathering of international Diplomacy
players. When you're not occupied by the tournament, be sure you don't miss
the chance to participate in the convention!
This document covers the event schedule and our unique tournament playing system, one
that results in many exciting games.
World DipCon XIII t-shirts and mousepads
can be ordered from the tournament director. Participants who have
pre-ordered one or more t-shirts will be able to pay for these and
pick them up from the tournament director.
Convention Schedule
- Tuesday 11 February
- WDC Night at the Colorado Avalanche. Hosted by the ARMADA's
Chris Conrey of Pepsi Center. WDC attendees treated to special
seating, complimentary t-shirts, participation in on-ice intermission
events, and JumboTron exposure.
- Thursday 13 February
- Steak Night at Club 404 on Broadway, hosted by the ARMADA's
Bear Barrow. Food, drinks, and conversation.
- Friday 14 February
- 11:00 A.M. Welcoming luncheon.
- 1:00 P.M. Beginner's Game.
- 4:00 P.M. Overseas Players Welcome Reception.
Hosted by the North American Diplomacy Federation
- 6:00 P.M. Orientation for new players.
- 7:00 P.M. Tournament Round 1.
- Suggested nightlife: Sing Sing piano bar and other sites
in Lower Downtown.
- Saturday 15 February
- 9:00 A.M. Tournament Round 2.
- 3:00 P.M. "State Dinner" at Bourbon Street Pizzabar and Grill.
- Speakers: (Cancelled)
- William Attia: Decision Making in Diplomacy
- Sean Colman: Delivering the Painless Stab
- ARMADA Annual Membership Meeting
- 6:00 P.M. World Diplomacy Society Bid Meeting.
- 7:00 P.M. Tournament Round 3.
- Suggested nightlife: Manus's favorite band The Indulgers
plays at Darcy's Irish Pub just south of the convention hotel.
- Sunday 16 February
- 9:00 A.M. Tournament Round 4.
- 3:00 P.M. Awards Ceremony.
- 4:00 P.M. World Diplomacy Committee Charter Business Meeting.
Tournament Rules
- Player Seeding
- The tournament director will assign players to specific tables in each
round, and will assign each to a specific power.
- Placement in the first round will be random, except that members of
the same family (father/son, husband/wife, etc.) and members of other
known relationships will not be placed on the same board.
- In subsequent rounds, an attempt will be made to minimize the number
of players who play against opponents they had faced in earlier rounds,
with the same strong preference against co-placement of players
having off-board associations, such as familial kinship.
- Each player will play a different power in each round, and seeding
will ensure as much as possible that each
player will play a power from a different geographical area in
each round, with the areas being Austria/Italy, England/France,
Russia/Turkey, and Germany.
- The tournament director will publicly announce
the table and power assignments of all players before each
round. Players are asked to keep noise to a minimum during this
- Games will be filled with preference to those players who have
traveled furthest to attend. That is, if the tournament director
is not able to draft enough players to round out the player count to
a multiple of seven, ARMADA members will be asked to sit out.
- Tournament System
- A game will end in a victory
at the beginning of an adjustments phase, if the following
three conditions are all met:
- There is a single power owning more supply centers than any
other power,
- The largest power has increased its supply
center count in the just-completed game-year,
- The largest power controls at least a
specific number of supply centers (the number required is based on
the game-year and is shown in the
table below and on the game scoring sheet provided to each table):
| 1901-1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913+ |
SC's to Win:
| 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 6 |
If all three
of the above conditions exist, then
the power with the greatest supply center count
is awarded the victory.
- A game will end in a victory if
all players who control at least one supply center
vote unanimously to concede the game to a specific single
power. Such a vote shall be supervised by the tournament director
(who shall be summoned to the table by any player), and shall be
conducted in secret.
- A two-way draw vote can be called for
if for two consecutive game-years, both players satisfied victory
criteria 2 and 3 as listed in rule II.A, and (while not satisfying
criteria 1, because their supply center counts were tied) both owned
more supply centers than all other powers. In the draw vote, the
only balloted players will be the two players that would be involved
in the draw.
- A game will end in a draw shared equally among all
surviving players (that is, all players who control at least
one supply center) if all such players vote for such a result.
This vote
shall be supervised by the tournament director (who shall be
summoned to the table by any player), and shall be conducted in secret.
- A game will end in a draw shared equally among all
surviving players (that is, all players who control at least
one supply center) if the tournament director calls an end to
the games. This eventuality could occur, if need be, on the
final round of play, to ensure that the scheduling of the final day
is followed well enough for players to depart on time, and for the
facility to be vacated as required. The tournament director will
only make such a call at the beginning of an adjustments phase, and
the call will apply to all games still being played.
- About This System
- This system of play, developed by David Norman of the U.K.,
is intended to accelerate the arrival of the
end-game, such that the entire range of play, from opening to
mid-game to end-game, can be experienced in a compressed timeframe.
- The system rewards end-game play in the same way that the standard
rules do. If players are successful in preventing the leader from
growing and are successful in preventing a non-leader from overtaking
the leader and reaching the victory threshold, a draw can
- Like the European C-Diplo system, the objective is to become the
single largest power on the board at the proper time. Like the
standard rules, if every player is prevented from claiming a
victory, all of the players who survive the attempt share equal
credit for the draw.
- Like all tournament systems, this system chooses to preserve some part
of the standard terminating conditions and modify other parts
to ensure that the game can be played in the time allotted. Some
systems choose to modify the rule that all draws must include
survivors by allowing players to vote themselves out of a draw,
and/or to be voted out by a sufficient number of opposed supply
centers. Other systems choose to modify the rule that the game
must end in a solo or a draw, instead assigning ranks to the players
by their supply center count after a specific game-year. The
ARMADA system chooses to preserve the "draws include all survivors"
rule and simply take a different approach to fitting the game to the
time available.
- Players should be aware that (as in C-Diplo and systems
in which surviving players can be voted out of a draw by the vote of
a sufficient number of opposed centers) this system does take away
some of the strategy of stalemate lines. For example, in a normal
game, England could set up the Gibraltar stalemate line and guarantee
a place in the draw as long as no other player reached 18 centers.
Here at the Regatta, however, an opponent could claim a victory with
a smaller number of centers, which would make the English stalemate
line useless.
- Scoring System
- The following points will be awarded to each player after each game.
- 104 points to a single victor
- 80 points to a participant in a two-way draw
- 56 points to a participant in a three-way draw
- 40 points to a participant in a four-way draw
- 32 points to a participant in a five-way draw
- 24 points to a participant in a six-way draw
- 16 points to a participant in a seven-way draw
- 0 points to a player achieving any other result
- For each victory or draw result achieved by the player,
a reduction is made to the point award based on the final game-year.
The number of points subtracted from the score is
determined by the table below:
| 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906
| 1907 |
Game-Year Points
| 1.00 | 2.01 | 3.03 | 4.06 | 5.10 |
6.15 | 7.21 |
| 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 |
1913 |
1914 |
Game-Year Points:
| 8.28 | 9.36 | 10.45 | 11.55 | 12.66 |
13.78 |
14.91 |
and in general, by the formula
yrs + yrs × (yrs - 1) / 200 (where yrs is the number of game-years played).
- For each elimination, loss, or concession to another player,
the "Game-Year" points (from the table above) are
added to the player's score, according to the
game-year in which the player's elimination, loss, or
concession occurred.
- Players shall be ranked by total score at the conclusion of the
tournament, with the player's single lowest score from among the four
rounds of play not being considered in the total.
Ties will be broken:
- in favor of the player with the highest score obtained
in any game in which the tied players opposed each other.
- in favor of the player with the highest score considering
all four rounds of play.
- in favor of the player whose highest single-game score is
- in favor of the player whose second-highest single-game score is
- in favor of the player for whom the average tournament game score
of all of the opponents faced is highest.
- in favor of the player for whom the tournament is furthest from home.
If a tie remains, the players will be declared tied.
- About This System
- This scoring system, developed to complement the system of play
at the Regatta, rewards players who succeed quickest while
encouraging players to play a poor position as long as possible.
- The point differentials are based on the average player game length at
prior Regatta tournaments, which is between seven and eight game-years.
- Negotiation, Adjudication, and Deadlines
- Negotiation and submission of orders for a particular movement phase
must be completed on or before the same time-of-day on all boards.
- The time remaining before orders must have been submitted for a
particular movement phase will be visible throughout the
tournament play area at all times on computer or projection screens.
- The time allowed for negotiations and order-writing before orders
for a particular movement phase
must be submitted is shown in the following table:
| 1901-1905 | 1906+ |
Spring | 20 minutes | 18 minutes |
Fall | 17 minutes | 15 minutes |
Note that the clock is always running! As soon as the time
period leading up to Spring 1901 expires, the time leading to the
deadline for Fall 1901 begins. Yes, this means that the time you spend
adjudicating a movement phase on the board, and submitting and
adjudicating any retreats and adjustments does indeed eat into the time
you have before the orders for the next movement phase must be
- Players are to limit game conversation to those players
involved in their own games. Violations are to be reported to
the Tournament Director, who shall instruct the players against
this behavior and take other action for repeated violation.
- The deadline clock may be interrupted for the purposes of meal
or restroom breaks. If such an interruption occurs, the tournament
director will inform all players of their responsibility and the
time at which the clock will re-start. Any meal breaks will take
place after submission and before adjudication of a Spring movement
- Each table will be provided a box or box-top into which all orders
are to be submitted. Players are expected to rigidly obey the
deadlines, and to have their orders submitted before the deadline
- Responsibility for adjudication lies with the players. Players may
freely determine (in any manner) which player at each turn is to read
the submitted orders. This player is to read his own orders before
all others.
- Any players who have failed to submit orders for their units
into the box on the table at the time the deadline expires will see
all their units hold (with the ability to receive support).
- Some leniency will exist, allowing players to submit their order
set up to thirty seconds late before the above penalty is applied,
but this is guaranteed only once per game per player -- repeat
offenders will be tolerated only as determined by the other players
in the game. If any player on a board objects to a second or
subsequent request or attempt by another player on that board
to take advantage of the thirty second extension,
the player will not be afforded the extension, and his or her
units will all hold if the player fails to submit orders on time.
Players whose orders have been submitted before the deadline may not
request their additional thirty seconds be granted to another player.
- If all players have submitted orders before the deadline expires,
the players are free and encouraged to adjudicate their board (and
any retreat and adjustments thereafter) and begin the next negotiation
phase early, taking advantage of the time they have gained.
- Retreat and Adjustment Phases
- Negotiation is prohibited during the retreat and adjustment phases.
- After adjudication of a movement phase, players at each board should
immediately submit and adjudicate any retreats and then, if necessary,
submit and adjudicate adjustment orders. Remember that the clock for
negotiation of the next movement phase has already begun!
- During these phases, if a player has orders to submit,
these orders must be written down and revealed simultaneously
with any other players, as during movement phases.
- Players should submit retreat and adjustment phase orders as quickly
as possible. If a player is thought by others on the board to be
taking too long to submit retreat and adjustment phase orders, the
tournament director may be called to the table and he will allow
up to 30 seconds for the submission of all orders before
calling for the adjudication of the phase.
- Players who fail to properly submit and reveal written orders for
a retreat or adjustment phase (that is, players who simply manipluate
their pieces to execute their intentions) will receive one warning
against doing so from the players on the board. If the same player
repeats such an act a second or subsequent time, the penalty shall
be disbanded retreats, waived builds, or removals by the "furthest
from home, fleets before armies, alphabetical by space-name" rule.
- Despite the above rule against negotiation and discussion, during the
retreat phase, a player may ask to be told the legal retreat options.
If a player asks for these options, the other players should answer
only by listing the adjacent locations to which the dislodged unit
cannot retreat, and may
not make any suggestions about which other option to take.
However, it is still considered the individual player's responsibility
to know and understand the legal options. If a player requires
further assistance, that player may call the tournament
director to the table, and the tournament director will answer any
question regarding retreat possibilities.
Once adjudication of the retreat phase begins, an order
may not be changed, even if the player was given incorrect
information concerning the legal retreat options.
- Recording Game Results
- Each game will be scored individually. A scoring sheet
for will be provided to each table.
- It is the duty of the players at each table to fill out the
scoring sheet and submit it to the tournament director at the
conclusion of the game.
- Before the scoring sheet is submitted, each player must sign the
scoring sheet on the line of the power that he or she played.
- Players are not to clear the game board or pieces from the table
until the scoring sheet has been delivered to the tournament
director and the tournament director has reviewed the board
in the presence of the players.
- A player who is not
present when the tournament director reviews the board
shall be considered to have signed the scoring sheet.
- Any player who has not signed the scoring sheet may protest
the result at the time the tournament director reviews the board.
The tournament director may personally re-adjudicate
the most recently played game phase to verify the reported
result, and will determine whether to accept the scoring sheet or
instruct that the game should continue.
- Once the scoring sheet has been accepted by the tournament
director, the reported result cannot be altered by protest.
- Each player in a game will be given order pads or sheets that are to
be used to issue all orders in that game.
- Scores and rankings of the players after each round will not
be posted or otherwise available for viewing.
- Rules of Play
- Governing Rules
- The 1976 (USA-Avalon Hill) edition of the rules of Diplomacy will
govern play in this event, with exceptions only as noted here.
The Tournament Director will have a copy of these rules which a
player may borrow at their request.
- Although the occasion to use this power is not foreseen, the
tournament director is empowered to alter any of the rules
listed in this document at any time, and his decisions and rulings
shall be final.
- Convoys
- Players are encouraged to indicate the path of any convoyed army
by listing the fleet or fleets involved (for example,
are not required to do so. If the path is not indicated, the unit will
move by land (without convoying) if possible, and if not possible,
then if any fleet that has issued a convoy
order to transport the army to its destination (through any complete and
possible oversea route) is dislodged, the convoy will be disrupted.
This includes fleets that would convoy the army through
an unnecessary step in its path, including backtracking (for example,
Skagerrak participating in a convoy of an army from Yorkshire to
- To ensure resolution of paradoxical situations, all support orders
that are offered for or against a convoying fleet cannot
be cut by the action
of any convoyed army under any circumstance, including
dislodgement of the supporting fleet.
For the purposes of this rule, a fleet is considered to be a convoying
fleet if and only if it has issued a valid convoy order,
and if (assuming that no other fleets are dislodged),
the army that the fleet is ordered to convoy
will attack (that is, successfully
attempt to move to) its destination if the fleet is
not dislodged,
the army that the fleet is ordered to convoy
will not attack its
ordered destination if the fleet is dislodged.
- Order Syntax
- It is not necessary to designate the unit type (Army or Fleet)
except in build orders for coastal provinces. In all other cases,
any army or
fleet designation will be completely ignored and will not affect
the validity of the order.
- It is not necessary to specify the nationality of a piece in any
order to support or convoy that piece. Any listed nationality
will be completely ignored and will not affect the validity of
the order.
- The Hold order and the Stand order are identical. A unit ordered
to "move to 'H'" (as in Army Belgium H)
will hold and does not attempt to move.
- Coastal Fleets
- Failure to indicate a coast on a St. Petersburg fleet build order
will result in a waived build.
- Any fleet move or retreat order from Portugal to Spain, from the
Mid-Atlantic Ocean to Spain, or from Constantinople to Bulgaria
which does not include a coast specification will be considered
an invalid order.
In all other cases, any specification of a coast will be completely
ignored when considering the validity of the order.
- Multiple Order Submissions
- If a player submits multiple order sets for a phase, and
if any of the submitted sets have not been used in an earlier
phase, then and only then will any and all of the player's
submitted but previously used order sets be ignored and considered
to have not been submitted for the current phase.
- If (after applying the rule above) multiple order sets have been
submitted by a player, the orders on all such order sets are
considered, unless any season and game-year specified on the sets
of orders differ, in which case only the correctly-dated (or, should
no orders be correctly dated, the latest-dated orders) are accepted.
In all other cases, the season and game-year specified on a set of
submitted orders is completely ignored.
- Movement Phase Misorders
- A unit ordered to move to its current location will be considered to
have been ordered to hold, even if the order contains a convoy
- A unit that is unordered or is given more than one order (be they
valid, invalid, or any combination of the two) in a
movement phase will hold unless
all orders issued to that unit are identical.
- All units that receive invalid orders in a movement phase will hold.
- A unit that receives any movement order (even if it is an invalid order
or if the order is countermanded by reason of the unit having
received multiple orders) is ineligible to receive support to hold
its position.
- Retreat and Adjustment Phase Misorders
- Any dislodged unit which does not receive a retreat order, or
which receives an invalid retreat order, or which receives two or more
different retreat orders will be disbanded.
- If too many builds or removals are submitted on each single order set,
these will be taken in the order written, from top to bottom, and any
orders that appear too far down the list will be ignored and will not
be considered to have been included in the submitted set.
- If a player has submitted two or more separate adjustment phase order
lists that would result in different builds or removals, only those
common to the lists will be taken; any others will be considered to
have not been ordered.
- Any builds for which a player is eligible but for which no order was
received will be waived.
- Failure to remove the required number of units will result in the
requisite number of additional units being removed using the
"furthest from home, fleets before armies, alphabetical by space-name"
rule. In all cases where this rule applies, the distance from home
shall be the quickest route of a unit to a home supply center using
the unit's own movement capabilities except that armies are considered
to be amphibious (they may move through water spaces). If need be,
the tournament director can be asked to determine or verify the
unit(s) to be removed by this rule.
- Spurious Units
- Flying Dutchmen (pieces that should have been removed, but were
left on the board due to error on the part of the players, or
pieces that were improperly added to the board through subterfuge)
shall be removed immediately by the players
as soon as it is detected, except that
any extra piece that was on the board erroneously but was used
used in any subsequent phase that was accepted as completely
and properly adjudicated by all players shall remain in play.
- Pieces removed from the board by subterfuge shall be
replaced immediately when noticed, provided that the piece was on the
board either before, and participated in, the most recently
adjudicated movement phase, or (if a Spring movement phase is next
to be adjudicated), if the piece was properly on the board after
the most recent adjustment phase.
- If need be, the tournament director (when called to the table)
may remove a spurious piece by re-adjudication of the most recent phase.
- Unit Control
- Players may not proxy their units to be ordered by any other player.
- A player may issue perpetual orders and leave the game.
To do so, the player must inform the tournament director of this
intention and must provide the tournament director with the perpetual
Unless the player informs the tournament director otherwise, an
absent player will vote against any draw
proposal and against any concession to another player.
- A player who vacates a position without perpetual orders will
be replaced by a player drafted by the tournament director.
Unless the absence is of a nature involving extenuating circumstances
(as decided by the tournament director; for example, the player
takes ill or must leave the game early for the airport to make
a flight), the
replacement player will receive the full score for the game.
- El Capitán -- 2003 Regatta and World Diplomacy
- Second through Seventh Places.
- Best Performance by Each Power Awards.
- Team Championship -- The World Team Championship will
be awarded to the three-player team (declare your team to the tournament
director at registration)
that scores the most points in the highest-scoring
two rounds of individual play for each player in which no team member was
an opponent. Seeding will ensure that all team members will be able to
play at least two rounds without facing a member of the same team.
- Fletcher Christian Award -- Awarded to the player who performed
the best stab (as selected by the tournament director).
- Other Awards. The other usual Regatta awards, and some new
ones as well....